Feb 24, 2022

Bear with a Mustache

If you were born before

nine-teen forty-four

you would recognize 

the mustache knocking at your door,

but if you were born last year

you would have no idear

the bear whos whispering in your ear

is the brownshirt that you fear.


Related news events: Russian President Vladamir Putin orders the military invasion of the European country of Ukraine.

Feb 6, 2022

Murder Inc, or Blue is the New White

Police death squads,

operating without care,

executions without remorse,

caught on film,

not in court,

brotherhood of terror,

wear blue coats,

not white robes.

Minneapolis the horror,

Feb 4, 2022

900,000 and rising

Nine hundred thousand people died,

900,000 and the numbers still rise,

Americans mourn their freedom,

No needles! no masks! they whine. 

900,000 is okay,

keep your masks and your needles,

everything is fine.

How much America?

How much does it cost to buy America? How much did Elon spend? How much does DOGE cost? Not the coin but the men.